
Showing posts from October, 2018
THE SCHOOL SEAL                        The outsider circle depicts the Mission of SPCC. While the inner circle declineates the Vision of the School. In the space in between the two circles is the name of ST.PEDRO CALUNGSOD, the saint we honor and implore to guide us; so that we like him who went outside the country to spread the faith, we too may have the zeal to bring Christ to others.                        The cross and the Bible represent the Catholic education that every student receives in SPCC. The figure of a person portrays St. Pedro Calungsod as patron and model of the youth. The blue surrounding stands for the land and the sea symbolizing the strenght and the foundation of our Vision. The Palm serves as the symbol of life that is pleasing to God. The lamp depicts the Christian formation each student receives in SPCC, making him/her the light to others. The clouds delineate the futuristic progress in reaching the goal and the objectives of SPCC. 1.2 HISTORICA